Monday, June 18, 2018

Annapolis, Maryland

Annapolis, Maryland

The delightful coastal town of Annapolis in Maryland was settled over 300 years ago and is today positively bristling with African American, colonial, and maritime history. To get a glimpse of the pioneer days in Annapolis you can visit the Maryland State House, the Bannekar-Douglass Museum of African American Heritage, and the Annapolis Maritime Museum. If you love historic houses you should not miss the well-preserved William Packer House and Gardens and the Charles Carroll House and Gardens. For an unusual perspective of the city you can take a Chesapeake Bay Cruise and pay a visit to the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. The city is very easily explored on foot via either a guided or self-guided walking tour. 25 of the Oldest Cities in the United States - Photo: alpegor/Fotolia

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